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Thank you for visiting!


Although our site cannot have individual comment sections on each page like a regular fan wikia, we decided include a special guestbook instead! Feel free to write a message about either the game or the wikia itself - this project wouldn't be possible without your support.


If you'd like to leave a message of your own, please fill out the submission form at the bottom of the page.

[Say something. Please. I need to know someone can see this.]

Royal Wildfire

I've been following the development of Chromasynth since it was Spectrum Squad. Idk how long that's been but it's been at most 6 or 7 years. CS and your art in general have been a huge inspiration for me throughout my artistic journey and I'm so happy I've been able to be along for the ride as this project and your artistic skill continue to grow! <3

[...I'm happy for you.]


I've been following this project for a while & I am always looking foward to the new things shown. I will ways be here no matter what.

[I hope so.]


I see you, the hidden text. You’re not alone.


Concerned User

Love the characters! The URLs for their pages are weird, though - they're hard to find unless you're specifically navigating through the pages. I've tried inputting random numbers and ended up on a weird error page, too. Maybe fix the formatting a little?

[I have to obscure the URLS to - what the fuck? I didn't make an error page. ]


i loved it when oojin said "its chroma time" and then synthed all over the place

[God. They would've loved that stupid-ass movie.]


Loved the part where Oojin and Adam kissed 🥺🥺🥺 10/10 game

[Ha! Like that'll ever happen.]


has anyone clicked the little icons in each character’s header on their individual page? it leads to a nice little story. well, it’s not nice for /them/, they can be quite troubling, especially in adam’s case; but they’re well written. wonder why the chromasynth wiki admins are hiding them, shouldn’t they be more easily accessible as an archive for this project? either way, whoever’s maintaining the site is doing a good job. keep it up.

[The 'stories' aren't official. I didn't find them in the files. They just... appeared.]

gabrielle my love

can you add relationship status to their bios and can you see if gabby is single thanks <3 (sending her kisses)

[Not worth it. Damn near everyone is single here. Especially you.]

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