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Stats (short for Statistical Qualities) are a form of measurement that guages one's Chroma, as well as their overall abilities. There are 6 primary stats, reflective of the 6 Primary Deities, which can be grouped with 6 tertiary stats, reflective of the 6 Tertiary Deities


Stats are usually measured on a point scale of 1 to 5, with a total of 18 points (an average of 3 per stat) to be distributed. Though in reality, one's stats are measured through various tests, it is unknown how exactly the individual stats of each character are measured, nor what purpose it has in the game - it merely exists as sets of data, in a similar vein to a character's Color Code or birthday.


"For leaders, gamblers, revolutionaries, masochists, and street-wise youths."

The stat associated with the deity RUBER. Its description is as follows:


"There’s a fire in your soul that can’t be quenched. It searches for purpose, a flag to wave and a stance to shout. Your gut, heart, and body are in tune, flexing health so strong you could survive anything. Maintain your temple – after, physique keeps you standing. Loyalty steadies the hands. And determination marches you forward. You won’t give up until the battle is won."


"For mechanics, inventors, dancers, trickshooters, pickpockets, and thieves."

The stat associated with the deity YELOR. Its description is as follows:


"Your greatest assets are your hands and feet. You use your hands to interact with the world, and your feet give you levity. You coordinate your movements with agility and precision. It compels you to shape the world beyond what it is, to make new from what is old. To aim, and to catch. To sneak, and to not be caught. You’ll take care of things by yourself, and undercover, if necessary."


"For philanthropists, therapists, healers, entrepreneurs, activists."

The stat associated with the deity GROSA. Its description is as follows:


"Understanding. Judgment. You detect feelings from the surface down to even the subconscious. It allows you power over your emotions, as well as others. Most importantly, it begets protection. Protection from unnecessary conflict or self-destruction. It compels you to be honest – to use trust to get the truth, then share it, unfiltered and generous, for the greater good."


"For students, historians, eclectic nerds with trivia on hand, scientists, priests."

The stat associated with the deity CUWAL. Its description is as follows:


"What you know of the established world – definitions, boundaries, and function – keeps you stable. You’re a pattern-finder, and you analyze the past, put the present pieces together, and predict the future. You have no problem probing for information, as intellectual discourse is merely an exercise for you. You’re only here to find answers. Resist temptations and distractions."


"For artists, detectives, journalists, explorers of the world, thrill-seekers, hedonists."

The stat associated with the deity BLAIR. Its description is as follows:


"You must know your environment before all else. What do you see, smell, feel, taste, hear? No detail will go unnoticed, no crevice unexplored. Even the uncomfortable must be analyzed and deduced appropriately. The world is ever-changing and delicate, so your investigation must leave everything intact. Even at the risk of your own body, which can also be studied."


"For performers, musicians, designers, politicians, corporate executives, narcissists."

The stat associated with the deity MAXUS. Its description is as follows:


"The world is a stage to perform upon. You take on different personas, tell elaborate stories, and, ultimately, deceive others. You’re both style and culture-savvy. This grants you psychoanalytical flexibility and heightened social awareness. You will discover what people are hiding. You will charm it out of them with suggestive tricks. And you will convince others of the truth.

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