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CS     Our bodies are made of CHAOS.
CS     It is from CHAOS that we develop these… abilities.
CS     That which allows you to manipulate the world around you.
CS     Or even perhaps yourself.
CS     Think of it as a grab-bag filled with different prizes.
CS     Your interests, your skills, your experiences.
CS     All of it shape the final prize.
CS     You never know what you have until you open it.

A Value is a unique ability that can be developed depending on the connection an individual has to their Chroma. While it is possible to lack a Value completely, as the process of maturation requires time and effort, the majority of the human population have Values due to their utility and personal meaning.


Although humans have, from the beginning of time, harnessed energy to develop supernatural powers, the first Values to have reached maturity were ones resembling that of the two original, primordial deities - LIGHT (Luminous Connection) and CHAOS (Disorder Control). The two individuals wielding these Values remain unnamed and unidentified, the only information known being their Chroma as shades of White and Black respectively.


From there, Values have evolved in number and complexity, similarly to the way colors have developed specificities from simply Red and Blue to Vermilion, Cobalt, etc. However, this growth would be followed by repeated chaos and unrest throughout society, as otherwise ordinary civilians would wield unprecedented power without regulation. This would and could only be combatted by others with matured Values, as well as federal powers, leading to a now-continuous state of war and tumult in the majority of the world.

Etymology and Naming

The term 'Value' originated in Latin as 'valÄ“re', meaning "to be strong" or "to be of worth". In English society, it became 'Valew', an term describing the ability's primary purpose at the construction of civilization - its worthiness in battle, as one's "valour". The word would become its modern iteration sometime in the 14th century, remaining the same in pronunciation. 


The classification of Values would come soon after, dictating that they would follow a 5-letter format that parallels that of the deities in Synestheism

Value Groups

While there are, hypothetically, an infinite number of Values, there are four major categories based on how they are used and their relation to the self and their surroundings.

1. The Structural

Mass Manipulation


The ability to manipulate mass. Nothing is created or erased, as the focus is on developing something unique out of something pre-existing.

2. The Natural

Environment Connection


The ability to manipulate physical, surrounding elements. It is primarily dependent on location and available resources. A user may conjure such resources using their body alone, harnessing their energy to transform parts of themself into the material they require. However, doing so is only recommended as a last resort. 


Values involving E. C. require concentration and emotional control in particular.

3. The Conceptual

Abstract Control


The ability to manipulate abstract elements. Not dependent on surroundings, but reliant on the user’s mental control and studying prowess.

4. The Self

Super Ability


The ability to manipulate physicality. May allow for shared usage, but mainly affects the user’s own abilities and health.

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